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Maximize Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

There are many ways to save money on your home energy bill these days, but accessing them all can turn into a bit of a puzzle. There are so many programs that sometimes it’s tough to see the forest through the trees, which is important if you want to maximize your home energy savings. 

However, the process can be simplified. Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to maximize your home energy savings, and we’ll also examine the benefits they can provide. 


Tap into the Power of Energy Efficiency

Many homeowners who want to become energy efficient don’t know what they don’t know, and the first step to rectifying that situation is to get a free home energy assessment from a company like Revise, Inc. 

At Revise, Inc., we’re qualified contractors as part of the Mass Save® program, which means we can assess your house, your appliances and your heating and cooling system and recommend improvements. 

We can also take advantage of rebates, discounts and upgrades to help you take your home energy grade from good to great. 


Take Advantage of Home Energy Income Assistance Programs

Becoming energy efficient is important for everyone, and many of the savings options are designed for low- and middle-income households. Take advantage of them whenever possible and the money you save could eventually help put you in a higher income bracket. 


Make Saving Money On Your Home Energy Bill a Priority

In part, saving money by making your home more energy efficient is a mindset. Once you get your home energy assessment from a company like Revise, Inc., you’ll start to understand that many of the opportunities to save are simply about being aware of small things you can do to maximize savings. 


Maximize Your Insulation

Many homeowners don’t realize the benefits of insulation when it comes to possible energy savings. 

Here’s a simple example. As much as 25-30 percent of your cooling and heating costs come from losing heat or cooling power through your windows. 

Insulating them can cut this percentage considerably, and if you have the budget you can consider replacing them with triple-paned glass, which has a much higher efficiency rating. 

Then there’s your home insulation itself. It can plug a variety of holes and leaks that are costing you money, whether those leaks and holes are around your doors, in your ceiling and wall joints, in your pipes or located in other places within your home that you haven’t even considered. 

Make sure you’re using the maximum amount of insulation in your attic, if you have one. The recommended insulation level is 10-14 inches, so make sure your home insulation reaches that number, and if your insulation is older it may be time to replace it to make sure you’re maximizing your energy savings. 


Invest in Energy Efficiency

Part of the process of becoming more energy efficient in your home is about making the commitment via investments. 

That means replacing your older appliances with new ones that are more energy efficient and making sure your home devices aren’t costing you more money than they should. 

There are larger upgrades, too. Investing in a heat pump-driven heating and cooling system may seem like a steep price to pay for home energy efficiency, but this kind of upgrade will pay for itself over time. 

While it does, you’ll be able to enjoy lower utility bills and know that you’re part of a growing movement to increase home energy efficiency.


Go Solar to Increase Home Energy Efficiency

Solar panels used to be prohibitively expensive, and the idea of using them to cut your home energy bills once seemed like a pipe dream. 

Not anymore. The cost of solar panels has dropped considerably in the last 5-10 years to the point where they’ve become common, and the savings they can provide have been established and quantified. 

At the very least, it’s worth getting a consult to see if your home is a good candidate to go solar. You may not be able to power and heat your entire home that way, but given the rebates that are available if you install solar panels, you may find that you’re able to save more than you ever thought possible. 


Sweat the Details When it Comes to Home Energy Efficiency

There are a lot of little things you can do to maximize your savings and become more energy efficient in your home, but they definitely add up. Here are a few of the more effective ones. 

  • Unplug your electronics. Most homeowners underestimate the number of devices and appliances that are constantly plugged in, and the cost of keeping them that way can add up. Unplugging the ones that you’re not using can also add up to give you some impressive savings. 
  • Wash with cold water and replace your dryer. Doing laundry is pricier than you think. Dryers have been identified as a major cost factor in your home energy bill, and so is washing in hot water. Going cold and getting an energy-efficient electric dryer can make a big difference that will make you smile when you get your utility bill at the end of the month.  


Maximize Your Home Energy Savings with Revise, Inc.

At Revise, Inc., we’re committed to doing everything we can to help make your home more energy efficient and educating you about your home and what you can do to maximize savings under Mass Save®. 

We’re proud to be a designated contractor under the Mass Save® program, and we’ve helped hundreds of customers save thousands of dollars while improving their energy efficiency. 

We make the process as simple as possible. Our home energy assessors are professionals who are extensively trained to evaluate your energy needs, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have or explain anything from the assessment. We want you to understand that it’s a lot easier to increase your savings than you think, and we can show you how to do it. 

To start the process, call us at 800-885-7283 (SAVE) or visit our website, We’ve got some great information about savings there, so it’s an excellent place to start if you’re curious and you want to get some background material about how to spend less while making your home more energy efficient.

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