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Get a Free Home Energy Assessment: Save Money and Energy


If you’re a Massachusetts homeowner, chances are you would love to save money on your home energy bills. For some homeowners, the upfront cost is a significant obstacle, even with the home energy savings being offered by Mass Save®. We’re all living and working in a tight economy, and finding the money can feel close to impossible for many homeowners. 

That’s why it’s a great idea to get a home energy assessment from a company like Revise, Inc., which is a licensed contractor under the Mass Save® program. The home energy assessment is free, so you can see all the savings you can get that don’t necessarily require a huge spend. 


The Home Energy Assessment: The Ultimate Freebie?

Free offers come along all the time on all sorts of products and services, but in many cases, they’re not actually free. The world is full of vendors and companies that are seeking subscriptions and covering up hidden charges, so it’s natural to suspect both the Mass Save® program and the companies doing business beneath its broad governmental umbrella. 

In this case, though, that suspicion is unjustified—in fact, it may even be damaging. That’s because the home energy assessment really is free, and the return on investment that comes with some of the smaller spends recommended after the assessment can be huge. 


The Energy Efficiency Report is the Key

While the home energy assessment is a great top-to-bottom analysis of your home’s energy efficiency, the report that comes after the inspection is done is where the rubber really meets the road. 

Why? It is comprehensive, and you can get it structured so that smaller investments are emphasized. It’s important to know what those investments are and how they can help you increase your home energy efficiency, so let’s take a closer look at some examples. 


How to Save Money with a Home Energy Assessment

If you’re on a tight budget, one great way to become more energy efficient is to address the air leaks in your home. Even new homes have air leaks—they may be tiny, but that doesn’t mean they’re not costing you money. 

The good news is that it’s easy to address them by using Mass Save® recommendations. In some cases, you can even get these leaks sealed for free, which is definitely a win-win.


Address Your Insulation Situation

Let’s talk about your home’s insulation. You may think it’s in good shape, especially if you’ve got a newer home, but a free home energy assessment gives you a chance to verify your insulation at no cost. 

Mass Save® is also a good program if you need an insulation upgrade, which is likely with older homes. Many of the standards for insulation have changed over the years, and so has the nature of insulation technology itself. 

Under Mass Save®, you can use your home energy assessment to figure out how much insulation you need, and there’s a good chance you’ll be surprised at how little you have to pay for it. 

The discounts here can be as large as 75 percent. You’re getting those savings as a result of a free home energy assessment, another win-win in the money-saving department. 


Do an Energy Checkup on Your Doors and Windows

Next up are your doors and windows. Are they costing you money on your home heating and cooling bills? Do you know how much they are costing you? 

A free home energy assessment can answer these questions. It can also tell you whether it makes sense to pay for upgrades, and where to get them if you decide to take the plunge. 

Once again, the discounts might surprise you. They’re significant, and getting triple-pane windows and an upgraded insulated door can save you a lot of money in the long run. 


The Infrared Inspection Factor as a Part of Energy Audits

While a free home energy assessment might seem to imply that it’s not an in-depth inspection and evaluation, that is not the case.

In addition to a blower door test that pressurizes your house to find air leaks, a home energy assessor from Revise, Inc. will also use an infrared camera to detect air leaks, insufficient insulation in your walls, and other seemingly minor factors that could be costing you money. 


The Time Factor for a Free Home Energy Assessment

Some people pass on the free home energy assessment because they don’t have time for it. We all live busy lives, so it’s a valid concern, but it’s important not to use it as an excuse. 

A home energy assessment from a company like Revise, Inc. will only take an average of about 90 minutes. We live in a world where time is money, but if a home energy assessment ends up saving you hundreds of dollars for that amount of your time, isn’t that a pretty good ROI for you and your family?


A Free Home Energy Assessment and Energy Checkup Can Lead to Other Savings

Finally, let’s talk about another hidden benefit of a Mass Save® home energy assessment. At Revise, Inc., our assessors aren’t just limited to helping you find savings under the terms of Mass Save®. 

Some energy discounts intersect with those offered by the federal government, and your home energy assessor knows how to help you get the most out of these offers. In many instances those savings represent add-ons that come from a free home energy assessment, so once again it’s hard to pass on the idea of getting something for nothing. 


Go Online or Call to Get a Free Home Energy Assessment from Revise and Be Eligible for a Lower Home Energy Bill 

At Revise, Inc., we’re committed to doing everything we can to help make your home more energy efficient and educating you about your home and what you can do to maximize savings under Mass Save®. 

We’re proud to be a designated contractor under the Mass Save® program, and we’ve helped hundreds of customers save thousands of dollars while improving their energy efficiency. 

We make the process as simple as possible. Our home energy assessors are professionals who are extensively trained to evaluate your energy needs, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have or explain anything from the assessment. We want you to understand that it’s a lot easier to increase your savings than you think, and we can show you how to do it. 

To start the process, call us at 800-885-7283 (SAVE) or visit our website, We’ve got some great information about savings there, so it’s an excellent place to start if you’re curious and you want to get some background material about how to spend less while making your home more energy efficient.

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