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Maximize Your Energy Efficiency with a Home Energy Efficiency Assessment


Home energy efficiency is a common goal for Massachusetts home owners and the Massachusetts government. It’s part of a state and national effort to lower our dependence on fossils fuels, reduce energy costs, help the environment, and alleviate some of the disastrous effects of climate change. 

There are financial incentives to get a home energy efficiency assessment. Locally, most of these come under the umbrella of the Mass Save® program, which offers rebates, discounts and even free upgrades to help homeowners reach their energy efficiency goals. 

 The key when it comes to attaining maximum energy efficiency is a home energy efficiency assessment. Getting it from a company like Revise, Inc.—which is a licensed contractor under Mass Save®, can help you maximize your energy efficiency, which can also help you maximize your savings. Let’s take a more detailed look into how. 


How a Home Energy Assessment Works

The first step in getting a home energy efficiency assessment is to call a company like Revise, Inc. We’ll answer any questions you have, then we’ll set up an appointment to have one of our home energy assessors come out to evaluate your home. 

The good news is that this assessment is free, and it only takes about 90 minutes for most homes (or slightly longer for some larger or older homes). 

Taking the time to do this can help you unlock hundreds or even thousands of dollars of savings, and you’ll learn how to maximize your home energy efficiency in the process.


The Home Inspection for Energy Efficiency

The first thing our home energy assessors will do when they arrive is take a good look at your home, then ask a few questions about your home. They’ll start the inspection by looking for air leaks. Many people are surprised to learn that they have them, and some are even more surprised to learn they have more of them than they think. 

Not to worry, though. There’s no judgment on this or any other part of the inspection, and the good news is that you may not even have to pay any money to get your air leaks fixed. 


Insulation Can Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

The next thing our assessors will look at is your insulation. Many homeowners assume it’s up to date, only to learn that insulation technology has advanced considerably, and by making improvements in their insulation they can also improve their home energy efficiency by quite a bit. 

Mass Save® is an essential part of how this works. The program includes significant discounts for insulation upgrades, and our assessors will tell you how much insulation you need and how much you’ll be able to save when you take advantage of Mass Save® discounts. 


Include Your Windows and Doors in a Home Energy Audit

Another crucial part of the inspection is checking your windows and doors. They’re a key part of maximizing energy efficiency, especially if you haven’t upgraded them in a while. 

Triple-pane windows and insulated doors can save you a lot of money. There are discounts for both of these products under Mass Save®, and if you sign up for these discounts you’ll go a long way toward maximizing your energy efficiency. 


A Free Home Energy Assessment Will Include Your Appliances

If you’ve noticed a big jump in your home energy bills, you’ve probably also noticed that your appliances are a big contributor to that increase, especially if they’re older. 

Older appliances have a far lower energy rating than their modern counterparts, so it makes sense to get an upgrade, especially with the kinds of discounts that Mass Save® is offering. 

Our home energy assessors can walk you through the numbers, recommend specific products, and help you fill out the paperwork to take advantage of Mass Save® discounts. 


Upgrading Your HVAC System to Lower the Cost of Your Home Energy Bill

For most homeowners, the lion’s share of their home energy bill is likely from their HVAC system, especially if they have an older furnace or boiler. This equipment often falls far short of acceptable home energy efficiency numbers today, but an upgrade through Mass Save® can save a lot of money.

How? Our home energy assessors play a pivotal role. They’ll look at your furnace or boiler, tell you what its energy efficiency rating is, then recommend the appropriate upgrades. 

The energy efficiency ratings of these new products may surprise you, and you may be even more surprised by the amount of money you can save by buying one. 

Mass Save® offers significant discounts for new furnaces and boilers, along with other equipment that’s an essential part of your HVAC system. This includes smart, programmable thermostats, which are more powerful than many homeowners realize when it comes to saving money and maximizing their home energy efficiency.  


Heat Pumps are the Ultimate Upgrade to Maximize Your Home Energy Efficiency

If you’ve been reading up on home energy efficiency, you’ve probably heard a lot about heat pumps. They represent the ultimate upgrade when it comes to maximizing your home energy efficiency, largely because they can give you an energy efficiency of up to 300 percent, versus just over 90 percent for a new boiler or furnace.

They can also save you a lot of money. Mass Save® is offering four- and five-figure discounts for heat pumps, and while the purchase is significant, they’ll pay for themselves over time as you future-proof your home.  


Revise, Inc.’s Home Energy Assessment Will Make You More Energy Efficient

At Revise, Inc., we’re committed to doing everything we can to help make your At Revise, Inc., we’re committed to doing everything we can to help make your home more energy efficient and educating you about your home and what you can do to maximize savings under Mass Save®. 

We’re proud to be a designated contractor under the Mass Save® program, and we’ve helped hundreds of customers save thousands of dollars while improving their energy efficiency. 

We make the process as simple as possible. Our home energy assessors are professionals who are extensively trained to evaluate your energy needs, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have or explain anything from the assessment. We want you to understand that it’s a lot easier to increase your savings than you think, and we can show you how to do it. 

To start the process, call us at 800-885-7283 (SAVE) or visit our website, We’ve got some great information about savings there, so it’s an excellent place to start if you’re curious and you want to get some background material about how to spend less while making your home more energy efficient.

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